Worship, Sunday, June 16, 2019

8:30 and 11:00 AM

Sermon: “What Are You Doing Here?”, Rev. Karen H. Whitaker
Scripture: Psalm 8, Luke 8:26-39, 1 Kings 19:1-15
Hymns: Come Thou Almighty King; My Hope is Built; Holy! Holy! Holy!
Response Hymn at 8:30: I Sing the Mighty Power of God
Response at 11:00: The Majesty and Glory of His Name, Chancel Choir

Special music at 8:30 and 11:00: “Amazing Grace with Bach,” arr. by Sun Ahr; Anna Darr, cello; Alexander McDowell, violin; Fred Ibberson, piano


9:00 AM

Sermon: “Jesus the Liberator,” Rev. Dr. Sangwoo Kim
Scripture: Luke 8:26-39
Songs: How Great is Our God; Cantad Al Senor; In the Lord, I’ll Be Ever Thankful

Greeters: Belo Shelton, Pansy Waligora
Acolyte: Eli McDowell
Crucifer: Jerryl Christopher
Bus Driver: 
Ushers: 8:30, Mike Shiflett / 11:00, Morgan West, Jerry McDaniel, Fred Mowry, and Joyce Dalgleish
Liturgists: 8:30, Maureen Oakes
Sound Technicians: 9:00, Lewis Bass IV
Altar Guild: Carolyn Davis and Nalda Brown
Counters: Fred Mowry and Kathy Chaney

Altar Flowers are given for the glory of God and in remembrance of the Rev. Jo Young Choi and in honor of Dong Joo Kim, from Sangwoo Kim, Jung Choi, Ian, and Luke.