Commitment Sunday, November 11, 2018

Worship at 8:30, 9:00 and 11:00

Sermon: “Going All In: Generosity in All Seasons”, Rev. Dr. Wes Brown

Scripture: I Kings 17: 8-16, Mark 12: 41-44

Hymns at 8:30 and 11:00: O Worship the King, Take My Life and Let It Be, Here I Am, Lord      

Response Hymn at 8:30: Near to the Heart of God

Songs at 9:00: The Name of the Lord, Holy Ground, The Gift of Love, You Are My All in All

Music at 11:00 

Chancel Choir   

   Response to the Word: Spirit of God, Descend by John Helgen

Benediction Response: Seek Ye First

Offertory: My Soul Proclaims Your Greatness   Traditional English tune

Piano, Zoila Airall and Cello, arranged and performed by Anna Darr  

Ushers:  8:30-Mike Shiflett, 11:00-Al West, Patsy Harlow, David Harlow, Jerry McDaniel

Counters:  Emily Dike, Steve Smith

Sound Technician: 9:00-Lewis Bass IV, 11:00-Greg Bolt

Liturgists: 8:30-Marie Hammond, 11:00-Kellie Sims

Bus Driver:  No bus service on Nov. 11

Greeters: Elaine Herndon, Debby Meyer

Altar Guild: Martha and J. Ray Kirby, Mary Gyurki-Kiss

Altar Flowers are given to the glory of God by Bobbie Berry and family.

Acolyte: Cameron Posey                           

Youth Reader: Anna Darr