Contemporary Worship
9 am

Everyone is welcome at this casual service held in the Fellowship Hall. The congregation gathers around tables and enjoys refreshments. Worship is led by Epworth’s pastors with music led by the Praise Team. This time of worship includes scripture readings, a message for children, a sermon, prayers, and weekly Communion. Music is a mix of contemporary and traditional songs. Children of all ages are welcome and nursery services are also available.


Online Worship
11 am

A black family, mom, dad, and two daughters sit together on a couch to watch worship online.

The Online Service allows for worship from the safety of your home amidst the on-going pandemic. It is a livestream of our traditional worship service. To join us online, please click HERE. 



Traditional Worship
11 am

A light infused photo, people standing side-by-side hold their hands in front with palms up inviting the holy spirit inward.

This traditional service is held in the sanctuary with music offered by the Chancel Choir, our organist, and occasional special music by instrumentalists and our Children’s Choir. This service includes scripture readings, responsive readings, a message for children, hymns, a sermon, collection of tithes and offerings, and prayers. Epworth’s pastors preach and lead worship. Lay leaders and youth participate in different roles in this service as Liturgists, Acolytes, and Crucifers. Holy Communion is shared the first Sunday of each month. Children of all ages are welcome and nursery services are also available.