December 10, 2017, Second Sunday in Advent

8:30 Worship

Sermon:  Rev. Karen H. Whitaker

Scripture:  Psalm 85: 1-2, 8-13, Isaiah 40: 1-11, Mark 1: 1-8

Hymns: Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gates, O Come, O Come Emmanuel, I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light,

Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming

9:00 and 11:00 Worship

Children’s Christmas Musical: “Chimes in the Night”

9:00: Scripture: Titus 2: 11-14

         Songs: Prepare the Way, 10,000 Reasons, Jesus, Name Above All Names, Freedom Is Coming

11:00: Scripture: Psalm 85: 1-2, 8-13  Isaiah 40: 1-11, 2 Peter 3: 8-15a

           Hymns:  Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gates, O Come, O Come Emmanuel, O Come All Ye Faithful

Ushers: 8:45: Mike Shiflett, 11:00: Johnie Joyce, Kenneth Roberts, Jerry McDaniel

Liturgist: 8:30: Maureen Oakes

Counters: Johnie Joyce and Todd Benware

Greeters: Greg and Annie Barrow

Bus Driver: Kathy Chaney

Youth Reader: Erin Engel


Crucifer:  Caleb Engel

Altar Guild: Kathy and Harry Dutton, Joyce Dalgleish, Kenneth Roberts, Judy Daymont

Nursery: Marcey Harp, Theresa Shebalin, Beth Armbruster, Jennifer Browning

Backpack Delivery (Dec. 8): David Jackson and Becca Wheeler