Help Needed for Backpacking Event

As we prayerfully consider our stewardship commitments to God, we want to extend our giving to the backpack ministry.  On Stewardship Sunday, November 19 we will be packing backpacks after the 8:45 and 11:00 services.

For donations from the congregation, we are asking for cans of vegetables (14-15 oz.).    Please bring these to the church by Wednesday, November 15.  As always, monetary donations are also appreciated.

We will be setting up for the packing event on Saturday, November 18 at 1:00 PM.  If you can help with the preparation of the backpack packing event, let Kenneth Roberts know at  We need 12-15 volunteers to help with the set-up.

Hope Valley Elementary School staff and families are most appreciative of our support.

Thank you from the Backpack Committee!