Sunday, February 11, 2018

Worship at 8:45 and 11:00

Sermon: “Dazzling!”, Bishop Hope Morgan Ward

Scripture:  11 Corinthians 4: 3-6, Mark 9: 2-9

Songs at 8:45: Shine Jesus Shine, Holy Ground, Shine on Us, Siyahamba

Hymns at 11:00: Holy! Holy! Holy!, I Stand Amazed in the Presence, Christ, Whose Glory Fills the Skies 

Ushers: 11:00: Joyce Dalgleish, Carl and Luisa Nordman, Harry Dutton

Counters: Marvin Carver, Susan Armour

Greeters: Kathy Dutton, Brent Engel

Bus Driver:  Belo Shelton

Crucifer:  Jerush Christopher

Acolyte:   Ian Kim

Youth Reader:  Katherine Lantzy

Altar Guild:  Laurel and Charlie Rose, Nancy Myers

Nursery: Theresa Shebalin, Tina Wilcox, Libby Engel

Altar Flowers are given in loving honor of Leanna Murphy Dono’s 50th birthday (today – February 11) by Frank Dono, Keith and Shirley Murphy (Leanna’s parents) and Marilyn Dono (Leanna’s mother-in-law.)