Sunday, November 17

9:00 a.m. Worship (in the Fellowship Hall) and 11:00 a.m. Worship (in the Sanctuary)

Sermon: “You Can’t Get Something for Nothing,” Rev. Tim Russell
Scripture: II Samuel 24:18-25
Songs (9:00): Celebration Medley, Mo Betah Lif, Give Thanks, Everlasting God
Hymns (11:00): God of Grace and God of Glory; What Does the Lord Require; Here, I Am Lord 
Response: What Does the Lord Require of You, Chancel Choir with Alexander McDowell, violin
Benediction Response: O Master Let Me Walk with Thee

Liturgist: (11:00) Grayson Dye 
Ushers: Rick Dike, Emily Dike, Joyce Dalgleish
Bus Driver: Steve Smith
Youth Reader: Elise Benware
Acolyte: Cameron Posey
Crucifer: Ben Engel
Counters: Emily Dike 
Greeters: Ann Glasson, Susan Armour
Altar Guild: Martha and J.Ray Kirby, Mary Gyurki-Kiss 
Sound Technicians: (9:00) Lewis Bass IV, (11:00) Chris Thomas
Altar Flowers are given to the glory of God and in celebration of the life of Nelson Fletcher by Joan Fletcher and their girls.