Sunday, September 23, 2018

Worship 8:30 and 11:00

Sermon: Rev. Karen H. Whitaker

Scripture: Psalm 1, James 3: 13 – 4:3, 7-8a,  Mark 9: 30-37

Hymns at 8:30 and 11:00: Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise, O Master, Let Me Walk with Thee, Leaning on the Everlasting Arms

8:30 Response Hymn: Blessed Assurance


Worship 9:00          

Blessing of the Animals at the Picnic Shelter

Songs: Morning Has Broken, All Creatures of Our God and King, O God, Your Creatures Fill the Earth

Sermon: “How Majestic Is Your Name”, Rev. Dr. Sangwoo Kim

Scripture: Psalm 8


Ushers: 8:30-Mike Shiflett, 11:00-Marvin Carver, Jeff Rankin, Al West, Jay Hallan

Counters: Bill Matteson, Steve Smith

Sound Technician: 11:00 Chuck Darr

Liturgists: 8:30-Maureen Oakes, 11:00-Todd Benware

Bus Driver: Beth Armbruster    

Greeters: Kathy Chaney, Joyce Dalgleish

Altar Guild: Joyce Dalgleish, Emily and Rick Dike

Altar Flowers are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Nita and Frank Fairey by Bob and Sara Fairey and family.



Youth Reader: