Sunday, September 25, 2016

8:30 and 11:00 Worship

Sermon: Rev. Karen H. Whitaker

Scripture: Psalm 91: 1-6, 14-16, 1 Timothy 6: 6-19, Luke 16: 19-31

Hymns: God Hath Spoken by the Prophets, A Charge to Keep I Have, What Does the Lord Require

9:00 Worship

Sermon: “To Be Rich in Good Works”  Rev. Dr. Sangwoo Kim

Scripture: 1 Timothy 6: 6-19, Luke 16: 19-31

Songs: God You Reign, Greater, From the Inside Out, Mighty to Save  

Liturgist: 8:30-Maureen Oakes, 11:00-Norma Mitchell

Altar Guild: Emily and Rick Dike, Joyce Dalgleish

Bus Driver: Todd Benware    Greeters: Courtney and Michael Mumford

Nursery: Marcey Harp, Theresa Shebalin, Anne Glover Posey, Melissa Culp

Crucifer: Peter Walker   Acolyte: Henri Nadworny

Ushers: Johnie Joyce, Bobbie Dahlgren, Jay Hallan, Jim Goacher

Counters: Chuck Darr, Harry Dutton   Youth Reader: Caleb Engel

Sunday School Coordinators: Mike Shiflett, John Lott


ALTAR FLOWERS are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Nita and Frank Fairey by Bob and Sara Fairey and family.