Growing thru Grief offers year-round support with education and small groups for those who have lost a loved one. Here is the schedule of speakers for the next few weeks:
August 20: Dr. Ray Barfield will share: “How Storytelling Changed me as a Doctor Caring for Patients at the End of Life”
August 27: Bill Dahl will open the meeting
September 3: Jane Williams’ topic is “To Speak or Not to Speak”
September 10: Joyce Rea will share some “Tips on Navigating the Grief Journey”
September 17: Rabbi Daniel Greyber on “Grieving at Your Own Pace”
On September 24, Mitzi Quint will begin our fall six-week series on the Introduction to Grief. She will explore six myths of grief.
Growing thru Grief is a free, open, confidential program sponsored by a coalition of area religious and civic organizations to provide support and comfort to those who mourn. Meetings are held year-round on Tuesdays (except for holidays) at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 1200 W. Cornwallis. We gather at 4 pm for registration, coffee, and cookies; the meeting, a presentation plus small group discussion, starts at 4:30 and ends by 6 p.m.