Worship at Epworth, Sunday, October 14, 2018

Two Services Only: 9:00 Worship in the Fellowship Hall and 11:00 Worship in the Sanctuary

Message: Children’s Musical:  “Malice in the Palace”, The Story of Esther

Scripture:  Esther 4

Hymns at 11:00: O Jesus, I Have Promised, Eye of the Sparrow, God Our Help in Ages Past

Songs at 9:00: Take My Life (Holiness), Your Grace Is Enough

Acolyte: Cameron Posey    

Altar Guild: Judy Daymont, Frank and Leanna Murphy Dono

Bus Driver: Larry Reeves 

Counters: Mary Catherine McSpadden, Kathy Chaney

Crucifer: Ben Engel

Greeters:  Brent Engel, Meg Bass

Liturgists: 8:30-Maureen Oakes, 11:00-Jerryl Christopher

Sound Technician: 9:00-Lewis Bass IV, 11:00-Chuck Darr

Ushers: 11:00-Joyce Dalgleish, Alan Payne, Rick and Emily Dike

Youth Reader: Caleb Engel

Altar Flowers are given to the glory of God and in memory of Pat Hemingway, Meg’s mom.