Worship at 8:30 and 11:00
Sermon: Rev. Karen H. Whitaker
Scripture: Psalm 20, Mark 4: 26-34, 1 Samuel 15:34 – 16:13
Hymns: The Church’s One Foundation, Open My Eyes That I May See, Hymn of Promise
Worship at 9:00
Sermon: “The Heart”, Rev. Dr. Sangwoo Kim
Scripture: 1 Samuel 15:34 – 16:13
Songs: 10,000 Reasons, Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone), Sanctuary, I’ll Fly Away
Ushers: 8:30: Kenneth Roberts, 11:00: John Rasmussen, Kenneth Roberts, Al West, Johnie Joyce
Counters: Susan Armour, Johnie Joyce
Sound Technicians: 11:00: Christopher Thomas
Liturgists: 8:30: Maureen Oakes, 11:00: Larry Reeves
Bus Driver: Todd Benware
Greeters: Clara Airall, Todd Benware
Nursery: Susan Armour, Melissa Culp
Acolyte: Jerryl Christopher
Crucifer: Ben Engel
Youth Reader: Erin Engel
Altar Guild: Carolyn Davis, Nalda Brown
Altar Flowers are given to the glory of God, in honor of and in memory of her parents, Rev. Clark and Mrs. Alda Wilson, and her brother, Herbert Wilson, by Dr. Ruby Wilson.