Rev. John Clausing explaining why he supports Fond Doux Foundation
The Pentecost winds brought a pleasant surprise to Epworth’s Haiti mission, the Fond Doux Foundation (FDF). Following the inspiring and successful fund raiser on Pentecost Sunday, June 9th, the FDF received the delightful surprise — an Epworth Church member decided to sponsor a Fond Doux young person to a four-year university education in Haiti. The donor, Dr. Debra Sudan, said that she agreed that the future of Haiti must be determined by the Haitians themselves. “Taking the long view by helping with the education of Haitians, so that they can do this themselves, is the way to go.” She would like to see the scholarship go to someone that will return to Fond Doux (or its environs) and give back to the community. She would give wide latitude towards what kind of training and occupation that would be, but her first inclination would be toward a teacher or a nurse or perhaps a doctor.
Increasing the number of youth receiving a university education is one of the goals of the Foundation. When this recipient is chosen, it will be the third Fond Doux young person to receive a university education through efforts related to the Foundation. At the present time Dieuseul Istache is receiving a medical education and Emile Maceus a university education to become a teacher. An Epworth couple also sponsored the medical education of Jacque Lamont from Northern Haiti. Gifts such as this make an enormous difference.