World Communion Sunday, October 7, 2018

Worship and Communion 8:30 and 11:00

Sermon: “World Communion”, Rev. Karen H. Whitaker

Scripture: Psalm 26, Hebrews 1: 1-4, 2: 5-12

Music: Fairest Lord Jesus, Blessed Assurance, Jesus, Lover of My Soul  

8:30 Response Hymn: He Touched Me

11:00 Chancel Choir Response: Room at the Table by David Lantz

Offertory: Melody Divine by James Michael Stevens

Angela Airall – flute      Anna Darr – cello

Zoila Airall  – piano       Fred Ibberson – organ

Worship and Communion 9:00          

Sermon: Rev. Dr. Sangwoo Kim

Scripture: Hebrews 1: 1-4, 2: 5-12

Songs: Down the Road to Emmaus, All My Hope, One, Bread, One Body              Days of Elijah

Acolyte: __________

Altar Guild:  Judy Daymont, Frank and Leanna Dono

Bus Driver: Brent Engel                     

Counters:  Susan Armour, Joyce Dalgleish

Crucifer:  Caleb Engel

Greeters:  Ann and Joel Glasson

Liturgists: 8:30-Maureen Oakes, 11:00-Todd Benware

Sound Technicians: 9:00 __________ , 11:00  Alan Payne

Ushers: 8:30-Mike Shiflett, 11:00-Johnie Joyce, Bob Botts, Harry Dutton, Dave Thurmond

Youth Reader:  Ian Kim

Altar Flowers are given to the glory of God and in honor of our beloved Clara Airall on her 99th birthday, by her 3 children, Zoila, Angela, and Sheldon,  3 grands and 10 great grandchildren.