Youth News, October 16, 2016



Date                Program Topic                                         Parent “Chef(s)”                                                          

October 16th       It’s a world of endless opportunities!                          NEED VOLUNTEERS!

Please let Joyce know if you are willing to provide the youth meal this week!

NOTE:  The Lock-in is being postponed to a later date.  We will let you know once the new date is scheduled!  So stay tuned!!



SUNDAY SCHOOL     REMINDER:  don’t forget your Sunday School offering!!

Lesson topic this week:   Love Really Does!  Read chapters three and four of “Love Does”.  Questions to think about:

  1. Where is your own Tom Sawyer Island?
  2. Is there a time when you have had someone like “Randy” in your life? How did that person make a difference in your life?
  3. Think about Jesus’ role as “Immanuel—God with us.” How has he been “with you” so far in your life or in the life of someone you know?



Elise Benware, Virginia Nadworny and Henri Nadworny for serving as Psalter Reader/Crucifer/Acolyte during worship!!  The Nadworny “Chefs” for providing the meal last Sunday night!!



Date                Acolyte                    Crucifer                   Reader

October 16th          Hayes Hunter          Hannah Morris                  Peter Walker

IMPORTANT:  If you are not able to acolyte/crucifer/read on an assigned week, please find a substitute and contact Joyce and the church office so we will know of the change.



October 30thHarvest Festival-as always a special and fun U.M.Y.F.

service event!!  NOTE:  Trunks needed for Trunk-or-Treat! Please

let us know if you would like to bring your car and decorate your

trunk to hand out goodies from!

November 1st:  Poinsettia Sale begins!!


November 11th – 13th:  Pilgrimage (otherwise known as P16)!!

NOTE:   If you would like to order a Pilgrimage t-shirt, let Joyce know ASAP.